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Hi, my name is Quynh Pham!

I was born in the heart of Vietnam: Saigon, the capital and largest city in the country. My family was fortunate enough to immigrate to America when I was two years old. My childhood was planted in the great plains of Kansas, and my adolescence was urbanized in Houston, Texas. While growing up, I’ve really learned to appreciate and understand my origin and the lifestyle of my culture, both of which I continue to embrace today. The experiences I’ve had as a first generation child have led me to mature into an independent, self-motivated, and inquisitive woman. The opportunities I’ve been given as a young adult have steered me to recognize the value of a supportive family, loyal friends, and welcoming strangers. Overall, I can say that I have been truly blessed to have happiness shape my life thus far. 


As a senior pre-medical student at the University of Texas at Austin, there are many things I enjoy doing with my time besides trying to understand the foreign language of organic chemistry. I’m always up for a solid 90’s jam session on a road trip. In the fall, I live for cheering at UT football games and praying that the Houston Texans make playoffs. I plan to jump off every cliff, swim every waterhole, and hike every trail that Austin has to offer. Inhaling high caloric dense desserts that put me in sugar comas will never be regretted.... neither will eating Whataburger’s honey butter chicken biscuit at two in the morning. My dream of someday being a competitor on the show Amazing Race comes a close second to becoming a doctor. If Amazing Race doesn't work out, I think I could settle for just traveling around the world. Everything I ever wanted to know about myself I learned in my very first completion of 26.2 miles. And going too far in every funny situation, giving the punch line away too soon of every joke, and being the very awkward turtle in a not so awkward moment will always be my special quirks.

Contact Me:

Mail Checks To:
Texas 4000 for Cancer
709 West 21st #203
Austin, TX 78705

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